OMLA City League Volunteer Positions
Division Convenor
This person is responsible for the supervision of a specific age-division. This will require a few hours per week at the rink or field, and another hour or so per week organizing. The position starts a month before the season begins and ends after Championship Day. Convening requires coordination of pay for score/clock officials and referees, supervision of games, liaison between parents, coaches, and the association.
Head Coach
A City League Coach is responsible for the coaching and supervision of a team in an age category division. This will require a few hours per week and the rink or field, and another hour or so per week organizing for the team. The City League coach will be the main team contact, coach the division during clinic-style practices, coach the team during games, coordinating equipment with the division convenor and other duties as required.
Assistant Coach
A City League assistant coach will assist the Head Coach during practices and games. This will require a few hours per week at the rink.
A City League Trainer will act as the first aid coordination point for an age-category division. Ideally a Trainer will have relevant certification in medical care, first aid, or equivalent skills. The Trainer will need to attend all games in the division, including Championship Day. The position will require a few hours per week at games.
Volunteer Rebate Program
The above positions are eligible for rebates on the cost of one regular registration per the Volunteer Rebate Policy. Rebates are remunerated upon completion of the season. Rebates are limited to one per family and cannot be combined.
The Volunteer Rebate program is meant to incentivize volunteering with the Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Association and should not be construed as payment for employment. We value our volunteers greatly!